RNM | Offre unique Journée pour les locaux

Unique offer

Rafting Nouveau Monde is offering you an exclusive day specially reserved for residents of the Argenteuil MRC!
When is it? Sundays, May 25th, June 22 ,July 20 and August 17

50% discount on family and half-day rafting activities.*

Promo Code : Local25

Reserve your place now by calling 1-800-361-5033

Local artisans on site during both days. Hurry, places are limited!

*Cannot be combined with any other offer and proof of residency is required. Certain conditions apply.

Photos & videos
Une demi-journée de rafting sur la rivière Rouge près de Montréal et Ottawa
Family Rafting Adventure on the Rouge River | New World Rafting
Rafting Nouveau Monde | Activité demi-journée sur la rivière Rouge
Family Rafting Adventure on the Rouge River | New World Rafting
Family Rafting Adventure on the Rouge River | New World Rafting